$$ Cost Shares are available for a number of projects. $$
Waseca SWCD has a number of Cost Share Grants with dollars available to aid in many projects.
So far in 2024 the Waseca SWCD has aided Landowners:
$4,477.50 for Well sealing on 6 projects
$ 607.50 for a Windbreak
$11,345.00 for a Water and Sediment Control Basin
$7,400.00 for Non Structural Practices like No Till/Strip Till and Cover Crops
Call or stop in the office and let us help with a project you are thinking of implementing. Our staff can draw up plans for windbreaks, basins, terraces, grassed waterways, wildlife habitat, wetland restoration, shoreline restoration and many more conservation practices.
There are also programs available for your CRP acreage.
So far $1,000.00 has been paid to 3 landowners for Continuous Conservation Reserve Program (CCRP).
Waseca SWCD has a number of Cost Share Grants with dollars available to aid in many projects.
So far in 2024 the Waseca SWCD has aided Landowners:
$4,477.50 for Well sealing on 6 projects
$ 607.50 for a Windbreak
$11,345.00 for a Water and Sediment Control Basin
$7,400.00 for Non Structural Practices like No Till/Strip Till and Cover Crops
Call or stop in the office and let us help with a project you are thinking of implementing. Our staff can draw up plans for windbreaks, basins, terraces, grassed waterways, wildlife habitat, wetland restoration, shoreline restoration and many more conservation practices.
There are also programs available for your CRP acreage.
So far $1,000.00 has been paid to 3 landowners for Continuous Conservation Reserve Program (CCRP).