If you would like to collect precipitation data for your location in Waseca County, please call our office at 507-835-0603 to get more information and materials.
Information on this page is taken from the Minnesota State Climatology Office Website:
Minnesota State Climatology Website
Presently the Waseca SWCD collects data monthly from 11 volunteers in different parts of Waseca County and forwards the information to the State Climatology Office. We would like to get volunteers from Blooming Grove, Freedom, and Byron townships. This would be at least one from each township. Presently we have 2 from Woodville and 2 from Iosco. With that said, we can always use more, no matter where you are. If you would like to participate in this monthly data collection, please contact the Waseca SWCD Office. You will be supplied with a rain gauge and also the paperwork and information on data collection.
Minnesota State Climatology Website
Presently the Waseca SWCD collects data monthly from 11 volunteers in different parts of Waseca County and forwards the information to the State Climatology Office. We would like to get volunteers from Blooming Grove, Freedom, and Byron townships. This would be at least one from each township. Presently we have 2 from Woodville and 2 from Iosco. With that said, we can always use more, no matter where you are. If you would like to participate in this monthly data collection, please contact the Waseca SWCD Office. You will be supplied with a rain gauge and also the paperwork and information on data collection.
When reading the Monthly Precipitation Totals, each line represents a volunteer and their collection township location. If you are not familiar with format it would be as follows: CC=County (81, ttt=Township, rr=range, ss=section Township and Range numbers are the Location of the Township, in turn giving you the name.
Here are the numbers for each township:
81-105-22-00 Waseca County-New Richland Township-Section 81-107-22-00 Waseca County-Woodville Township-Section
81-105-23-00 Waseca County-Byron Township-Section 81-107-23-00 Waseca County-St Mary Township-Section
81-105-24-00 Waseca County-Vivian Township-Section 81-107-24-00 Waseca County-Alton Township-Section
81-106-22-00 Waseca County-Otisco Township-Section 81-108-22-00 Waseca County-Blooming Grove Township-Section
81-106-23-00 Waseca County-Wilton Township-Section 81-108-23-00 Waseca County-Iosco Township-Section
81-106-24-00 Waseca County-Freedom Township-Section 81-108-24-00 Waseca County-Janesville Township-Section
Here are the numbers for each township:
81-105-22-00 Waseca County-New Richland Township-Section 81-107-22-00 Waseca County-Woodville Township-Section
81-105-23-00 Waseca County-Byron Township-Section 81-107-23-00 Waseca County-St Mary Township-Section
81-105-24-00 Waseca County-Vivian Township-Section 81-107-24-00 Waseca County-Alton Township-Section
81-106-22-00 Waseca County-Otisco Township-Section 81-108-22-00 Waseca County-Blooming Grove Township-Section
81-106-23-00 Waseca County-Wilton Township-Section 81-108-23-00 Waseca County-Iosco Township-Section
81-106-24-00 Waseca County-Freedom Township-Section 81-108-24-00 Waseca County-Janesville Township-Section
Minnesota Department of Agriculture website for up to date readings at Farmamerica weather sensors click on website. It has air and ground temps, nitrogen levels in water from a few different areas in Minnesota including Farmamerica, Waseca
Minnesota Department of Agriculture-Discovery Farms Minnesota
Minnesota Department of Agriculture-Discovery Farms Minnesota
2022 Waseca County Precipitation Totals